Rigid polyurethane is a thermosetting compact technopolymer for moulding in heat-controlled closed resin or aluminium moulds, achieved using the combination of two elements: polyol and isocyanate. It is a high-performance structural material (variable density ranging from 200 to 1050 gr/dm3). It is particularly suitable where requested qualities are ergonomics, firmness, mechanical resistance and shock resistance. It also has great technical and aesthetic capacity, high productivity and rigidity even at low thicknesses (3-8 mm), impressive reaction speed and] short moulding cycle times. Colour is added via a mass dye process or a post-moulding coating phase.
- Moulding density 200-1050 gr/dm3
- Optimal thickness 3-50 mm
- High rigidity
- Good mechanical resistance
- 0.6 to 1.5% shrinkage
- High-pressure moulding